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Objectives of Supervision
Objectives of Supervision

The Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development provides an opportunity for the advisor of each academic discipline to supervise or to send a representative to supervise the Co-op students at the workplace at least once. The objectives of the Cooperative Education supervision are as follow:

  • To boost the morale and spirit of students working at the workplace alone, being away from families, friends, and instructors.
  • To monitor and follow up the students’ co-op work performance according to the intended purpose of the Cooperative Education
  • To assist the students in solving the problems that may arise during their co-op in both academic and adjustment problems in an actual working condition.
  • To know and to exchange opinions about the concepts of students’ working in the Cooperative Education System including the exchange of academic progress among each other. 
  • To evaluate the operation of the Cooperative Education and to collect some relevant information that can be useful for the University.


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