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Pre-Cooperative Education Course
Who is the course for?

Which trimester is the course offered?

Who is responsible for the course?

For all the 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students of every program of studies

Every trimester

The Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development

- Director of the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development
- Officers of the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development
- Proficient Guest lecturers from the workplaces and various organizations.
Course Description

Prerequisite: None

This course deals with the principles and concepts of Cooperative Education, processes and steps, rules and regulations related to Co-op, fundamental knowledge and techniques in pursuing a career such as;  workplace selection,  application letter writing and job interview, basic knowledge necessary for the practical experience in the workplace, qualifications, administrative system: health and safety, 5  S’s – Five keys to a Total Quality Environment , ISO9000, corporate culture,  training and workshop on developing  personality for working society, techniques of writing reports and making presentations , communication skill development, techniques in building self- confidence, problems or obstructions and approaches in solving problems during the job training.

Upon completing the course, students should gain:

  1. the knowledge and understanding of the principles, concepts, process and steps of Cooperative Education including related rules and regulations.
  2. fundamental knowledge and skills in job application process.
  3. knowledge and understanding of qualifications and administrative approaches  in the workplace.
  4. knowledge and understanding of making presentations and writing academic reports
  5. basic skills for developing a personality that is adaptable to working society and encouraging students’ determination to complete the job successfully as aimed.
  1. Class  attendance  10%
  2. Application Letter, Resume and Application form 30%
  3. Final Examination 60%


  1. Students with complete class attendance and participation in all class activities are eligible to join the co-op.  If the absence is inevitable, students must notify the Division of Career Development within one  week for the class make up;
  2.  Students must earn not less than 80% to pass the course and to participate in the co-op program.

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