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Steps in finding job placement for co-op students
Steps in finding job placement for co-op students
  1. The Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development sends a survey form of the job placement (FM: C04-1-0-01) and the Co-op Job offered form (FM: CO4-1-02) to the workplaces for consideration. Both forms are then returned to the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development for further process.
  2. The Center records the jobs offered for co-op students by the workplaces in the database as well as announces the job placement on the website of the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development (http://coop.sut.ac.th/online.php).
  3. Students must submit their resume to the workplace that they are interested in through the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development.
  4. The Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development sends the student’s resume and application letter to the workplaces for job consideration. The workplaces are requested to give the result within 2 weeks after receiving the application forms together with the related documents as follow:
  1. An Interview schedule form from the workplace (FM: CO4-1-12) with interview channels such as;
    • Students are interviewed at SUT by the workplaces.
    • Students are interviewed by the workplaces using Interactive Satellite Communication.
    • Students are interviewed at the workplaces (only those located in Nakhon Ratchasima Province)
  2. A form (FM: CO4-1-13) for the workplace to record the names of the recruited students to be returned to the Center.
  3. A Co-op job offered form (FM: CO4-1-02). (If this form has not been sent to the Center before.)
  5. The Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development announces the result of the job recruitment on this website.
  6. The Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development prepares acceptance letters to the workplaces confirming the placement of the co-op student.
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